Entry 18: Let's see Attendance for the first half of the Trimester

Dear students,

I am posting excerpts of your attendance so that you can have a look and gauge (measure) your position in Week 13.

a) FAS-PR Attendance

b) FBF Attendance 1
Since it is a print screen, there will be eight (8) excerpts/ different portions of the attendance worksheet. If your tutorial is empty, please remind your tutors to key in the tutorial attendance.

c) FBF Attendance 2

d) FBF Attendance 3

e) FBF Attendance 4

f) FBF Attendance 5

g) FBF Attendance 6

h) FBF Attendance 7

i) FBF Attendance 8

This is shown for the purpose of attendance monitoring by the students, without other intention.

Thank you.

Hayati Yusof


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