Entry 10A: Database

A few issues in Databases are:

1)  Hierarchy of Data

Example 1:

Example 2:

Data hierarchy explained via slideshare.

Primary & Foreign Key explained:Primary & Foreign Key
To see the difference between the database structure, let's look at the followings:

2) Relational Data model

3) Network Data model

4) Hierarchical Data model
In groups, compare and contrast between the three (3) data models. Share your findings in lecture.

5) Multidimensional Data model

Example  a: 

Example b:

To find out further about OLAP cube, please go to: Multidimensional Databases

Now, can you identify the 3-Dimensions (3D) in the two hypercubes above?

6) Creating Databases using MS Access

6.1  Creating a blank database:

6.2  Creating a field / field type

6.3  Creating a Form

6.4  Print or View Report using Report Templates

7. Physical Data model

Example (i):

Example (ii):

Internet images of data hierarchy
(credits to owners and contributors) 


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