Entry 17: E-Commerce v. E-Business

  In this entry, I'd like to discuss a few issues:

1) The difference between E-Commerce and E-Business

Link: E-Commerce and E-Business: A Comparison

" .. e-business is not confined to buying and selling of goods only, but it includes other activities that also form part of business like providing services to the customers, communicating with employees, client or business partners can contact the company in case if they want to have a word with the company, or they have any issue regarding the services, etc. All the basic business operations are done using electronic media. There are two types  of e-business, which are:
  • Pure-Play: The business which is having an electronic existence only. Example: Hotels.com
  • Brick and Click: The business model, in which the business exists both in online i.e. electronic and offline i.e. physical mode.
Source: https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-e-commerce-and-e-business.html

2) Collaborative Commerce (B2B)
3) Craigslist in C2C, A Classified Site

Source: https://malaysia.craigslist.org/

4) E-Commerce Operators

Source: Farah Waheeda et. al (2017)

Activity: Can you identify the familiar E-Commerce operators according to platforms?

5) G2G (Government-to-Government), Government-to-Citizen (G2C)

The Implementation of Electronic Government in Malaysia

Source: http://workspace.unpan.org/sites/Internet/Documents/UNPAN033295.pdf

6) Crowdsourcing

Source: https://crowdsourcingweek.com/what-is-crowdsourcing/

7) Examples of E-Commerce Platforms

7.1 Shopify

Link/ Source: Shopify ECommerce Platform

Group Activity:

8) In a big group (2-3 groups), look at:

8.1 Monster Malaysia / Jobstreet Malaysia

8.2 Agoda.com/ Airbnb / Booking.com

8.3 www.tradegecko.com / magento.com / www.shopify.com 
(B2B platforms)


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