Entry 4A: Supercomputers & Hardware

I love this topic: Supercomputers - may be because of its powerful performance or speed.

Let's take a look at the top 10 Supercomputers in the world (2017) at this link:

1) 10 Most Powerful Supercomputer

2) The Motherboard - the mother that holds all the other devices.

If you need some explanation, then, please go to this link:
The use of the Motherboard

Internet images; www.quora.com; 


  1. Great you are happy

    I've got one myself because like 10 years. I enjoy it too, not modded as yours though.

    At this time it does not operate, it hastens if warm. Brought into a neigbour of mine and that he will find a deeper look at it.

    It feels like some have had difficulty using the automatic decompression valve, does yours have that?

    Enjoy a fantastic day!

    Best way to sharpen a chainsaw


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